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Science-Fiction Book Series For All Ages!

Welcome to the universe of Ariana Coe and the Coe 21 Series

Coe 21 is a story dedicated to the quiet kid that sits at the back of the class, tries to do well, dreams of more than the routine life, and is forced to admit that maybe their parents know what they’re talking about, sometimes.

Coe 21 challenges the notion that our protagonist must be an anti-hero yanked kicking and screaming from a dystopian hell-scape, a bitter tyranny, or some foul smelling pit of despair.

Coe 21 is a fresh alternative to the myriad of dark stories we’re bombarded with. Yes, there is evil within the pages of Coe 21, but there is a greater good ready, willing, and able to stand against it.

If you want a fresh idea, if you yearn for somebody good to identify with, open the pages of the Coe 21 series. Travel to the worlds of New Liberty and meet the defenders of worlds who rely on their hearts and minds to defeat those who would enslave their worlds.

It’s supposed to be an honor when your child is selected to join the New Liberty Guardians. It didn’t feel like one to Louise Coe. She only knew the woman sitting in her home was there to take her daughter away. Ariana and her little brother were listening intently to the adventure story the young woman was sharing. She had them enthralled. She was describing the battle that left that jagged scar upon her face. It ran from forehead to neck. The kids were eating it up. Louis and her husband were not. They shared a worried glance. Louise was terrified such a scar might end up on Ariana’s face. The woman continued to talk of the Chapter Pirates and how she had stopped them from stealing away the ship and enslaving the immigrants. The immigrants had given up everything for a chance to join the Coe’s and millions of other free people in New Liberty. Louise had no doubt Ariana would be excited by the prospect of joining the Guardians. The scarred woman made the entire ordeal sound voluntary, but Louise knew better. If this woman was in her home, then Ariana was leaving. And one day, Ariana would find herself between the Chapter Pirates and the free people of New Liberty.

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“This is one of the better young adult fiction books that I’ve read and it had a tone, pace, and characterization comparable to John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice series, but in a science fiction setting. (So you know where I’m coming from… I’ve read and enjoyed Riordan’s Percy Jackson series and Kane Chronicles, Kerr’s Children of the Lamp series, Mull’s Fablehaven series, Chima’s Heir Chronicles, Lewis’ Narnia Chronicles, Le Guin’s Earthsea Cycle, and L’Engle’s Time Quintet.)

The heroine Ariana Coe reminded me of Flanagan’s Will Treaty character with many of the same qualities. She comes from humble and nondescript beginnings, but is given the chance to train with the elite protectors of society even though she does not fully grasp the weight of the opportunity when she makes the decision to enter training. Her training is rough, but realistic. Her teachers are gruff and demanding, yet clearly care for her as a person and want to see her succeed. Her teachers have individual personalities and some are more likable than others, but all are necessary for her training. Ariana interacts with her peers and other students at the school with believable interactions and dialogues that mature as she grows. She unexpectedly finds herself in an external crisis that she could walk away from and none would blame her. However, she finds the internal courage and strength to meet and overcome the crisis.”

- Chris A.

“It's seldom that a science-fiction, action-hero story evokes an emotional response. Coe 21 is an exception and an exceptional story. Readers of any age, gender, and genre will enjoy this story of Ariana Coe and her path to becoming a hero for all. I connected with the characters immediately and actually cried at several points in the story due to this connection. The author, JB Mauceri does an amazing job of developing the plot, the characters, and the imagined world/universe of Ariana Coe and company. Coe 21 is a refreshing story of a heroine minus a dystopian, bleak society. I look forward to Mr. Mauceri's next works.”

- Karin M.

“It is rare talent to be able to write an engage book for adolescents and JB Mauceri has done so. The plot is tight and engaging. The main characters are well developed, and the science fiction, while perhaps not as sophisticated as Heinlein or Nivens, works well in this novel and does not seem contrived. The author nicely completes the book but leaves open the possibilities for sequels that will allow Arianna to grow as a Guardian and as a person. I highly recommend this for parents looking for suitable material for their "tweeners."

- Allen B Williams